Sunday, August 13, 2017

Week 61 ~ heeee jullieee

Hi. We literally woke up at 5 am to email because we´re going to EFTELING today baby!! It´s a super fun amusement park based off of the Grimm´s fairytales. I´m super pumped. I´m also really emotional because MY SISTER IS MARRIED! Ahh. Craziness. Gefeliciteerd!!

Couple quick stories:

Monday night we kept getting the weirdest promptings that kept leading to awkward situations, but we decided to follo​​w them anyway. Nothing happened.. but then we felt like we needed to go to our scouring area. We had different plans, but we scrapped them and went. No one had interest on the doors, but as we were unlocking our bikes to go home, a man came out of a house and asked us what we were doing. We ended up having a 40 minute conversation with him on the street which consisted of us testifying about the Book of Mormon, giving him one, and talking about what we do as missionaries. He told us he´s searching right now and when we shared Moroni 10:3-5 with him it really touched him. He told us he will definitely read in the Book of Mormon. He then told us to wait and he ran inside and got his girlfriend and we gave her a book too! We´re so excited to teach them!!
I definitely think that God was testing us to see whether we would follow his promptings or not and then lead us to the treasure! God will lead us if we just let Him take control.

We also met the coolest less-active/totally becoming active member. She is AMAZING. She is so determined to come back to church and become fully active. She is also just super funny and she´s coming to Efteling with us today! Whooo

I also just want to share about the power of priesthood blessings. I wasn´t having a super great week and one of the Roosendaal elders gave me a blessing. I am SO grateful that the priesthood is restored and for worthy holders of the priesthood who are always ready to help!! I know the blessing I got was from God. He said everything I needed to hear. I´m so grateful for the restoration of the church and the priesthood and all the keys.


Zuster Fordiani

2-the usual happenings
3-making quilts for children in the Philippines
4,5-beautiful Ulvenhout
6-lekker ding ;)

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